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Thank you for visiting the Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, LAJSS, a scientific engineering journal.

Researchers all over the world are welcome to submit their papers to LAJSS covering theoretical, numerical and experimental topics in continuum and applied mechanics, in both their linear and non-linear aspects. Interest covers areas like Vibration : Dynamics : Aerospace and Automotive Engineering : Composite Materials : Experimental and Computational Mechanics : Material Modelling : Concrete : Earthquake Eng : Nanomechanics : Ocean Eng. : Optimization : Control : Continuum Mechanics : Waves : Fluid-struc. interaction. Articles of technological content will usually not be accepted. 

LAJSS is 100% free for readers. You can freely access any article published by LAJSS.

indexed in the Web of Science, SCOPUS, DOAJ, EBSCO, SOCOLAR and SCIELO. 

Cite-Score SCOPUS 2023: 2.60

[number of citations divided by number of published articles between 2020 and 2023 

LAJSS operates based on APC, Article Processing Charge. APC will be applied only to accepted articles.

A FAST TRACK submission mode is offered to those authors who wish to have their peer reviewed and accepted paper published within 35 days from submission and plagiarism screening. 

LAJSS adopts a blind review strategy for analyses of the submitted papers. Usually, two reviewers are select for the reviewign process, a third being used in cases of controversy. The Editor for a given article is disclosed to all readers in the final published paper. Authors are requested to have an ORCID. All authors should indicated their contribution to the paper contents.  

As for Out 2024, LAJSS desk rejection rate is 74%, after review rejection rate is 10% and the average time between submission and publication is 71 days.

Please note that, upon discretion of the Editor, reviewers are entitled to a discount of 50 Euros in their LAJSS publication.

Editor-in-Chief and Publisher

MARCÍLIO ALVES , University of Sao Paulo, Brazil


ROGÉRIO JOSÉ MARCZAK , Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS , Brazil 
PABLO ANDRÉS MUÑOZ ROJAS , Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Joinville, SC , Brazil 
MARCO LÚCIO BITTENCOURT, University of Campinas, Brazil